Our training

We train flight technicians with helicopter specialisation and conduct courses and training on behalf of both civil airlines and the Armed Forces.  

The training for flight technicians is both theoretical and practical and scheduled weekdays between 08:00 and 15:30. There are a total of 14 courses that make up the programme and you’ll study 4 to 5 courses in parallel.

Theoretical and practical work is evenly split with the theoretical work classroom-based and the practical elements hangar-based, with access to a number of aircraft and materials. You’ll work independently following manuals and work orders, as you would in a real flight workshop, but you’ll always have access to instructors who are there to guide and check that the tasks are completed correctly. This programme also includes internships at one of the many companies we work with.

After two years of study, you’ll be ready to seek employment. After a further two years’ work experience, you’ll have the opportunity to obtain a certificate as an aviation technician. You always have a salary during these two years that you work. As a result of collaboration with various airlines throughout the country and a wide network of contacts in the industry, we can often help find a job following successful completion of your training.


Luftfartsvägen 11, 972 54 Luleå

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